We are proud to announce that we have once again been awarded the AQS certification for our commitment to upholding the highest standards of quality and excellence in our advice and advocacy services. This achievement reflects our ongoing dedication to ensuring that every individual we serve receives the best support and care possible.
APDA is pleased to announce that it has received the AQS certification for Advice and Advocacy.
AQS (The Advice Quality Standard) is a quality standard for organisations providing legal advice in the field of social welfare legislation.
Having AQS will assist APDA in rendering assistance such as housing, health and community care, welfare benefits, and so on.
If you would require any advice and advocacy please contact, advice@apda.org.uk
To speak with one of our team members for more information/complaint/Feedback call us on 020 8830 4880 or fill in the form below and we will contact you.