
Creating Anti-Racist and Inclusive Good Home Hubs with the Centre for Ageing Better

11th March 2020

Parliamentary Review Gala - Chairperson Pradip Shah joined by his wife Rashmi and Development Manager David Palfreman

7th March 2020

Annual Mayoress of Harrow Ball for charity


11 June 2019

Declare Your Care Campaign #DeclareYourCare

Watch Pradip and Rashmi’s Story


2 April 2019

Pradip Shah (Chairperson) and Rashmi Shah (Chairperson’s wife) attended Her Majesty the Queen Reception to mark the centenary of The National Council for Voluntary Organisations at Windsor Castle (pictures to follow)


31 October 2018

APDA are pleased to announce that it has received a prestigious award in Community Group of the Year category at the London Asian Business Awards.

26 October 2018

Ms Zeenat Jeewa and Mrs Nora Yahi attending the Inclusion London event “Working together to implementing the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)”
Hosted by Lord Colin Low at The Houses of Parliament, Committee Room 4.

The meeting launched the Alternative Reports by Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (Civil Society) to be submitted to the United Nations Disability Committee.

24 October 2018

Zeenat Jeewa and Daya Lekamwattage at the House of Commons attending the launch event Hosted by Baroness Grey-Thompson DBE of an important Research paper from Inclusion London and University of Essex on “ Disabled People’s experiences of Employment and Support Allowance Work Related Activity Group”.

18 October 2018

This is my special post dedicating with affection and gratitude to the memory of our late Mahesh Amin to keep his memory alive because time cannot wane out our fondness for him, we miss him greatly. I am taking the opportunity to revisit the tribute which I produced in 2016. Let us pray for his soul - Michael Jeewa (Joint CEO)