United Nations

UN 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development Part 3 - Pradip and Rashmi's experience

Arriving in New York over the weekend before the first day of the UN 57th Session was exciting and we were rearing to go with an open mind wanting to listen, meet and greet new people that can help our organisation forward our agenda on helping people with disabilities.

UN 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development- Part 1

UN 57th Session of the Commission for Social Development- Part 1

APDA’s Chairperson himself attended the 57th Session of Commission for Social Development at the UN in New York. As a member of the DDPO coalition campaigning against the unfair cuts to disabled people's entitlements, and also as a NGO with consultative Status with ECOSOC, APDA felt the need to keep the UN body fully in touch with the issues faced continuously by disabled people as a result of government cuts.

APDA offered and took on the task of conveying the issues and concerns to the UN body on behalf of its networking DDPOs, including DPAC and Disability Rights UK.