Tackling Inequalities Fund by Sports England

in partnership with Disability Rights UK (DR UK) and Asian People’s Disability Alliance (APDA)

APDA are delighted to announce we have successfully attained funding from Sport England to carry out Sport activities to our community.

The Tackling Inequalities Fund (TIF) aims to reduce the negative impact of Covid-19 and any widening of inequalities in participation rates in sport and physical activity. Data from the Sport England commissioned Physical Activity attitudes and behaviours survey during Covid-19 shows widening gaps in activity levels across certain communities: people from Lower socio-Economic Groups; Black, Asian Minority Ethnic Communities; Disabled People and People with Long-Term Health Conditions. Some of the emerging insight suggest Covid-19 may have a significant impact on the ability of these communities to be physically active. This has the potential to further widen existing gaps.

The funding will anticipate to achieve

·         Disabled people returning to/maintaining pre-lockdown levels of fitness

·         Disabled people keeping physically well and therefore with reduced likelihood of other illnesses

·         Improvements people’s mental health, confidence and overall well-being

·         Reduction in social isolations, more connection with others through exercising together e.g. online group classes or a Personal Trainer/Personal Assistant supporting with 1:1 exercise

·         Opportunities for disabled people to try new forms of exercise

·         Opening up exercise to people who didn’t participate before e.g. those that found leisure centres inaccessible/too difficult to attend/expensive, or just “didn’t know where to start”

Bollywood Dance at the Willesden Sports Centre

Tuesday 3rd November 2020 marks the start of our Sports Project with Bollywood Aerobic Dance and other Sports activities joined by some of our Service Users in person and online via Zoom meetings.

The session was greatly received and Service Users were happy to be out to do some activities.

Unfortunately, the 2nd lockdown came too soon on the 5th November and we could not physically provide the sessions face to face. However, our dedicated team planned sessions via zoom meetings and it was a success reaching many people joining us online.

Light exercises

Thai Chi

Once lockdown was lifted we were able to return to Willesden Sports Centre to resume our sessions. Pictures of other sports activities shown below.