APDA’s Music Therapy


Music being very important for therapy and mindfulness which is in line with supporting our Clients with our Music Therapy and we have been working quite closely with Addictive TV for the past 12 months.

With 2020 marking the 10th anniversary of our Orchestra of Samples project, UNESCO’s new digital culture magazine asked us to write an article about the venture (see below). 

And with a lot of live events moving online, our Plugged initiative is now hosting live streams from great artists plus online workshops.

Do like and subscribe to our ADDICTIVE TV SPOTIFY and ADDICTIVE TV BANDCAMP pages. For info, Bandcamp will waive its fees again on Friday 3rd July - so get your Orchestra of Samples album if you haven’t already   :o)


Music therapy at APDA is more than just listening to Bollywood music and songs. APDA apply this therapy for the physical and mental benefits of our users, particularly elderly with Dementia and Alzheimer's diseases.

Our culturally appropriate music therapy promotes sensory stimulation, communication, and

evokes memories and feelings and it activates musical responses and dance movements, etc. in our vulnerable users.

For instance, we see wonderful and happy expressions of recollections when old music and songs  are played. Their isolation and lost expressions because of Dementia and Alzheimer's diseases are replaced by positive changes in their looks and behaviours.

We are most pleased to say that this outcome gives all of us at APDA immense satisfaction and we are delighted to see the effectiveness of our non-medical social care support in our very vulnerable members

If you want to listen to more of Narayanan Ponani Natarajan songs please visit his Youtube page by clicking on the link below. Enjoy!